“How to Behave Like a Princess” posted on A Dribble of Ink

Jenny Thurman has posted a new analysis of royal female characters in Osten Ard, from the perspective of a reader who happens to be female. The analysis covers Miriamele, daughter of King Elias; Aditu, daughter of the House of Year-dancing; Maegwin, daughter of King Lluth; and, to a lesser extent, Vorzheva, daughter of the March-thane of High Thrithings.

Thurman writes:

My biggest disappointment, when I began reading epic fantasy novels marketed to adults, was not only how few women there were in these stories, nor even how much more constricted women’s roles often were compared to those I grew up reading about, but how condescending these stories often were towards girls – and princesses – in particular.

Ms. Thurman’s full comments can be found here.
